Aleksei Isen, PE has 10+ years of experience leading electrical design for large-scale and complex projects.
Sean Ferrell, MBA has 27+ years of experience, including 12 years of Plant Engineering experience of large manufacturing facilities.
Wayne Glover has 40+ years of experience leading Mechanical design for large-scale and complex projects.
Richard Graham has 23+ years of experience in BIM Management leading Plumbing designs complex projects.
We use a single set of design standards. Designs are reviewed in a 3-part QC process. The senior designer on the design team first reviews the design, followed by a senior designer for form, fit and function in our corporate office. The final review by the PEs is for code compliance.
Our Project Managers have access to over a dozen Designers and PEs to assemble the ideal team tailored to your project's specific timeline.
Our goal is to be known by our customers as:
* Available
* Responsive
* Compassionate
* Competent
Always striving to provide superior service.
Our MEP Leadership Team is laser focused on providing high-quality engineering and construction services related to the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems in buildings and infrastructure projects. This is our Value System: